A quick look at how the economy is affecting school activity trips ...
As has been documented for sometime during the current economic recession, schools have been forced to make deep cuts to their transportation operations to ensure money continues to flow into classrooms. In additional to reductions in regular routes and school bus driver positions, a popular victim has been school activity trips and namely school bands. Take what has happened to the award-winning Richland High School band in Texas’ Birdville Independent School District.
Budget cuts have forced the band to decline an invitation to attend the prestigious Bands of America Grand National contest in Indianapolis this November. Bus transportation to such events held outside the greater Fort Worth area can cost the school district $2,000 a day not to mention competition entry fees, motel rooms and food. Last year, the American Association of School Administrators surveyed members and found that nearly half reported cut backs to student field trips. With many months, at least, remaining before the economy turns and state budget deficits affecting upwards of 48 states, things are getting tighter and tighter for schools
Kentucky Religious School Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Block State Closure
Danville Christian Academy is seeking emergency relief from the COVID-19
closure order after losing in federal appeals court.
4 years ago
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